Wake up your sleeping beauty!
You’re looking for answers or solutions? Need some support or help? Longing for a change?
1:1 Coaching
As a health coach as well as a coach and trainer for resilience I offer custom-made solutions for your personal issues in my 1:1 coaching.
If you like being with a group and enjoying the benefits of sharing your stories, developing solutions together with others and taking advantage of the group dynamic then seminars
My special one-week retreats offer the ultimate combination of seminar work and vacation time. I always do my best to create a very comfortable
Welcome to my site

I’m happy you found my site! As a coach for health promotion, resilience and personal development I will meet you wherever you are stuck and use my assets of motivation, communication, clearness and my heart to bring you forward on your journey in life. Take a closer look, cruise around my site and discover what chances lie ahead of you.

Doris Kalkhorst Martens
Register today for a free consultation without obligation.
Personal Issues
Do you have personal issues you would like to tackle such as low self-esteem, self-confidence, listlessness or anxiety and panic attacks? I am committed in my support for you to become the beautiful and unique person you are inside! By uncovering old dogmas and patterns and transforming them into a new mindset, turning your personal construction sites into a sturdy building fundament you can develop strong self-esteem and thrive for the ultimate potential which lies inside of you.

Stress Reduction
Are you showing symptoms of stress like high blood pressure, depression, headaches, sleep disorders or feel overwhelmed, tension, anxiety? As a certified HeartMath® Coach and Trainer and I will show you how you can reduce you stress level with simple techniques which are easy to learn. Use your heart intelligence to reduce stress, improve your coherence and strengthen your resilience for a healthier and blissful life!
Holistic Health
Are you interested in healthy nutrition, weight loss, detoxifying your body or try fasting? I will show you what you can do and how it works! Holistic health is health for your body, mind and soul. Imagine your body as a Formula 1 race car. If you want your engine to last long and perform at its best it needs the best fuel it can get!
If there is one lesson I have learned in my life then it is this truth: “There is always a solution.” It might not always be perfect solution or the one you were longing for but in the end you will know what it was good for.

Register today for a free consultation without obligation.
My Blog
intenSati has reached Germany!
“True strength isn’t what you can do, it’s overcoming what you thought you couldn’t do.”
Perhaps you have already noticed that there is a new feature on my website named intenSati.
What is that? A new meditation? A mental training? A yoga position? A fitness training?
A green smoothie a day keeps the doctor away!
A word in general about green smoothies along with my favorite recipe!
I’m sure you are familiar with the saying: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!” Well, because time goes by and some things advance in their development, I’d like to increase the meaning of that old saying by exchanging the apple to a green smoothie that also includes the apple.
Murphy’s Law
Murphy’s Law was named after the U.S. engineer Edward A. Murphy and the term is known as a worldly wisdom. You have probably experienced this yourself a few times.
Your slice of toast with butter and jam slides off the plate and lands on the “wrong side” with the jam on the floor.
YOU are the most important person in your life,
and your “being awakened“ is needed to take good care of you.
The little film touches my heart every time I see it. It shows how important it is to be connected to the heart in order to be balanced and happy.
Happy Customers
I am so thankful for having met you as a coach. You have changed my life and brought me forward. Thank-you from the bottom of my heart! Your passion and personality are the perfect match for your profession as a coach and trainer.
With her great enthusiasm and empathy, Doris showed me ways and possibilities to develop myself further. I couldn’t have had a better coach.